Why Should You Plant Trees in the Fall?

Rows of autumn trees in nursery
If you were to ask 100 random people on the street what their favorite season is, you’re sure to hear a variety of answers. But we have a feeling that most of that informal survey group would say that the autumn months are, hands down, their ideal time of the year. And these people would be right! After all, there is so much to enjoy from September to November. The temperatures are chilly without being uninviting, there is never a shortage of apple orchards or pumpkin patches to visit, and NFL football is in full swing! The real question to these 100 random people should in all honestly be, “What makes Fall the best season,” not “What is your favorite season?”

But the one true highlight of this time of year that we haven’t even begun to describe is the stunning fall foliage. Autumn is when the subject of leaves seems to be on everyone’s minds; after all, it’s Mother Nature’s chance to truly show off, and it’s really the star of the season. But as you’re observing the stunning colors of the leaves in the months ahead, it’s important to remember that fall isn’t just the ideal time to see beautiful leaves; it’s also the perfect time to PLANT leaves and plants that will be beautiful for many fall seasons to come. 

According to Save A Tree, trees, plants, and bushes planted during the autumn season are far better equipped to deal with heat and drought throughout the rest of the year. Even though the famous phrase says “April showers bring May flowers”, let’s be honest, those April showers tend to be inconsistent. That is not the case in the autumn months. Cooler temperatures and more rainfall during September through November will always mean less watering is needed on the new plants. Our friends at Better Homes and Gardens also say that the roots of your plants will have sufficient time to establish themselves in autumn’s warm soil before the ground inevitably freezes in the winter. When planting and transplanting trees and shrubs, use Fertilome Root Stimulator for a healthy start. 

Not only does that mean that trees will require less water during the season, but the rate of photosynthesis will also decrease due to the chilly weather. Another key benefit to planting trees and shrubs during the fall season is that this is the optimal time of year when a plant’s root system can form and thrive. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, roots begin growing as soon as they touch moist soil; this growth will only continue as long as the soil temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. By planting in a fall, you are giving your trees plenty of time to establish a healthy root system. 

So while you’re planning your weekend excursions to pumpkin patches or setting up for a tailgate party to cheer on your favorite NFL team, don’t forget to find time this autumn to plant trees, plants, and shrubs in your yard. Our certified staff and Illinois Certified Nurseryman can answer all your landscaping and gardening questions. Stop by Winding Creek Nursery to browse our 160 acres of healthy, beautiful trees that we have grown and cared for. We're happy to help you choose the perfect trees for your yard. We are located at 8241 Millbrook Rd in Millbrook, Illinois. Visit our website or call us at (630) 553-7211.

