Spring Gardening Projects to Kick Off the Season

Close up of couple gardening together

With the warm weather finally coming upon us, it’s time to get outdoors and start to enjoy the spring air! Whether or not you’ve begun your spring cleaning, you may have noticed that after the long, cold winter, your outdoor space may also need a bit of a touch up. And what better way than to dig into the season with some spring gardening projects!

You don’t have to be a seasoned gardener to get your garden ready for the spring. All you need are some basic tools, plants, and a hardworking pair of hands to make your garden beautiful and fresh. Here are some of our most favorite spring gardening projects:

  • Clean It Up! The easiest and best place to start getting your garden ready for the spring is by cleaning it! Remove any dead plants, fallen branches or twigs, and clear the garden of any debris or unwanted foliage. Make sure you’re pulling up any weeds that may have turned up during the winter, too. It may sound like a trivial task, but even just cleaning it up will make a huge difference in how your garden looks. Just remember to wear garden gloves and other basic protective gear so you’re not getting any scratches or cuts!

  • Trim Shrubs, Bushes, and Trees. While you’re cleaning up your garden, you may notice that some of your bushes or trees have overgrown during the winter. No worries! Prune those broken branches and limbs from any of your plants to make them look fresh and new. Try to take note of which plants of yours bloom in the spring and which bloom in the summer: you’ll want to prune your spring plants sooner rather than later so you’re not removing any of the beautiful blossoms those plants will have! Summer plants can be pruned easily so that they are trimmed and primed for the summer. 

  • Clean Your Furniture. If you have a deck or patio with outdoor lounge furniture on it, you definitely will want to give it a good cleaning. Scrub your deck down of any dirt that may have collected through the winter, and sweep away any debris off your patio. You may even consider power washing those surfaces if your deck can withstand it! You should also clean any furniture you plan on using during the warm weather months. 

  • Pick Your Plants. Decide what plants you want to grow, and where they should go. You may want to grow a salad garden with lots of vegetables, or put in different trees and bushes for fruits. Or, you may want to grow beautiful flowers to add some color to your garden. Whatever you decide, just make sure the space you decide to put them in is suitable for the plant-- remember, some plants need more sun or shade than others.

  • Add Fresh Mulch. Adding a fresh layer of mulch to your garden is an easy way to liven up and clean up your garden. Not only is it great for your plants, but it also protects against weeds and retains moisture in your soil. You always need more mulch than you think, so we recommend buying more mulch than not to make sure your flower beds are covered well. 

Get started with your spring gardening projects this year at Winding Creek Nursery! Our certified staff and Illinois Certified Nurseryman can answer all your landscaping and gardening questions. Stop by Winding Creek Nursery for a variety of  trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, and vegetable plants as well as home and garden décor. Visit our website or call us at (630) 553-7211.



